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注:北京市教育委员会科技发展计划面上项目(NO. KM201611232021);
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    北京市优秀人才培养资助基金项目(NO. 2014000020124G104)
单位:1. 北京信息科技大学 自动化学院,北京 100192;
      2. 北京信息科技大学 传感器重点实验室,北京 100101
中图分类号:X832; O657.3       


Application and development of nanomaterial technology in heavy metal detection in water environment
LIU Ye1, HU Jing-fang2, LI Yue-qi1, ZOU Xiao-ping2, GAO Guo-wei1,2
1.Institute of Automation, Beijing Information Science & technology University, Beijing 100192, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Information Acquisition & Detection, Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract: In recent years, the application of nanomaterial technology in heavy metal detection in water environment has become an important research topic. The special sizes of nano-materials offer them excellent physical, chemical and optical properties, and many researchers apply them to the heavy metal detection in water environment. The application and development of nanomaterial technology in the heavy metal detection in water environment are reviewed from the aspects of optical detection method and electrochemical detection method in this paper. In the optical detection, the applications of namo-materials are described briefly in the methods of colorimetric analysis and surface enhanced Raman scattering. And in the aspect of electrochemical detection, the namo-materials are divided into zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional nano-materials according to their structures, and the application and development are summarized respectivelyin the detection of heavy metals in water environment.
Key words: nanomaterial technology; water environment; heavy metal detection; optical detection; electrochemical detection


备注:2017年 第23卷 第12期

传感器世界 中国知网  自动化网 传感器英才网 中华自动化 北京国科舰航 控制工程网
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