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   栏目: 信号与系统
作者:N. Rauch1,施林生(译)2
单位:1. analog microelectronics GmbH公司,德国  MAINZ;
      2. 上海芸生微电子有限公司,上海 201108

摘要:在不断推进的工业自动化进程中,湿度的测量越来越受到人们的重视。如何进行又好又便捷的湿度测量,在于高科技的不断开发和进步,可以大量生产价廉物美的湿度传感器产品。由于CMOS数字电路的广泛应用,很多高技术传感器产品通常都是数字信号输出。然而在工业自动化的具体实施中,和以往一样非常需要高抗干扰、高可靠性的模拟信号输出,比如4-20 mA的二线制工业标准的电流输出。本文通过对一个数字信号输出的湿度传感器HTU21P和一个专用的电压电流转换集成电路AM462的介绍,提出了一种将湿度传感器数字化输出转换为4-20 mA的二线制工业标准的电流输出的简便方法。 

A Simple Method to Output 4-20 mA Industrial Standard Current for Digital Humidity Sensors
Author: N.Rauch1, Translator: SHI Lin-sheng2
1. Analog Microelectronics GmbH, Germany, MAINZ; 2. Shanghai Yunsheng Microelectronics Ltd., Shanghai 201108, China
Abstract: Humidity measurement has been paid more and more attention in the process of industrial automation. How to make good and convenient humidity measurement depends on the continuous development and progress of high technology, which can mass-produce cheap and fine humidity sensors. The wide application of CMOS digital circuits makes many high-tech sensors output digital signals usually. However, the analog signal outputs with high anti-interference and high reliability are very necessary as before in the implementation of industrial automation, such as 4-20 mA two-wire industrial standard current output. Based on the introduction of a digital humidity sensor HTU21P and a special voltage-current conversion IC AM462, a simple method to convert the digital output of humidity sensor into the 4-20 mA two-wire industrial standard current output is proposed in this paper.
Key words: humidity sensor; two-wire industrial standard current output; voltage-current conversion 

备注:2019年 第25卷 第02期


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