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注:国家自然科学基金(No. 51974250);国家自然科学基金(No. 41874158);陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(No. 2018JQ5133);陕西省教育厅重点实验室项目(No. 17JS106)
单位:西安石油大学,陕西西安 710065
Data Communication System for Rescue Well Detection Based on Dual-Channel DSP
XU Lin-kang, ZHANG Ying, LI Dan, WANG Gang, DANG Bo
Xian Shiyou University, Xian 710065, China
Abstract: Aiming at the low signal transmission rate and high signal error rate of traditional rescue well systems, a dual-channel DSP-based rescue well detection data communication system is designed. Firstly, the ground control system issues commands in CMD mode. One dsPIC (DSPIC1) is adopted to control HD-15530 decoding the CMD commands. Then DSPIC1 instructs another dsPIC (DSPIC2) to respond to the CMD commands and control the AD7656 acquiring the rescue well data. The collected data are encoded in M5 mode by HD-6409 and upload to the ground control system. At the same time, the collected data are transferred from DSPIC2 to DSPIC1 and uploaded to the ground control system in M2 mode encoded by the HD-15530 to prevent failed M5 data transmission. The system uses two dsPICs to control encoding and decoding separately. The data can be encoded and uploaded in two modes to achieve high efficiency and low error rate data communication.
Key words: dsPIC; Manchester code; rescue well; HD-15530; HD-6409; SPI
备注:2020年 第26卷 第01期


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