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   栏目: 研究动态

单位:1. 安阳工学院机械工程学院,河南安阳 455000;
      2. 安钢集团公司自动化院,河南安阳 455000

摘要:本文主要运用涡流式传感器检测的连铸结晶器液位控制问题研究,文章简要叙述了电涡流传感器的工作原理、电涡流式传感器等效电路,通过电涡流传感器采集钢水液位的信号,构建了液位检测连铸结晶器系统控制系统的数学模型,分别构建了电涡流传感器模型、伺服电动机系统模型、塞棒流量特性模型、连铸结晶器模型,并用MATLAB 软件下的组态Simulink进行仿真,经仿真表明,该算法可以很好地对结晶器实施控制,经过实际运行该算法是完全正确的、可行的、有效的。实验结果表明,该控制算法连铸结晶器液位控制效果良好。

Research on Liquid Level Control of Continuous Casting Mould Based on Eddy Current Sensor Detection
SONG Qiang1, ZHANG Yun-su2
1. Mechanical Engineering College of Anyang Institute of technology, Anyang 455000, China; 2. Automation Institute of Angang Group Company, Anyang 455000, China
Abstract: This paper mainly uses eddy current sensor to detect the liquid level control of continuous casting mold. The paper briefly describes the working principle of eddy current sensor and equivalent circuit of eddy current sensor. By collecting the signal of liquid level of steel with eddy current sensor, the mathematical model of the control system of liquid level detection continuous casting mold system is constructed, and the eddy current sensor model is constructed Servo motor system model, plug flow characteristic model, continuous casting mold model, and MATLAB The simulation of the software configuration Simulink shows that the algorithm can control the mold very well. The algorithm is completely correct, feasible and effective after the actual operation. The experimental results show that the control algorithm has a good effect on the mold liquid level control.
Key words: PLC; liquid level control; PID; mould; electric cylinder


备注:2020年 第26卷 第03期

传感器世界 中国知网  自动化网 传感器英才网 中华自动化 北京国科舰航 控制工程网
中国传感器交易网 中国电气论坛  华强电子网  维库仪器仪表网     

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