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传感器优化方法 夜视应用示例2021年08月12
   栏目: 产品特写

作者:Pierre FEREYRE 1, Philippe Kuntz 1, Séverine André, José ángel Segovia De La Torre 2, Rémi Barbier 3
单位:1. Teledyne e2v;
      2. Teledyne Anafocus;
      3. Université C.Bernard Lyon1


Design-to-technology for Night Vision
Pierre FEREYRE 1, Philippe Kuntz1, Séverine André, José ángel Segovia De La Torre 2, Rémi Barbier 3
1. Teledyne e2v; 2. Teledyne Anafocus; 3. Université C.Bernard Lyon1
Abstract: The market for night vision represents a wide panel of applications which purpose is to assist operators in visual analysis of scene mostly with requirements of mobility and low power solutions. Modern systems are digital with high-end image processing to enable unambiguous scene analysis. It remains that the intrinsic performance of image sensors is essential. Ideally, in extreme low light conditions, every available photon must contribute to the signal and every detail of the image must be properly resolved. This paper explores key sensors parameters, models and metrics to evaluate low light performance
Key words: Imaging; CMOS; noise; SNR; QE; MTF; CTF; NEI; pixel; Range Detection;  PID


备注:2020年 第26卷 第10期

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