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   栏目: 技术与应用

单位:北京信息科技大学,北京 100192

摘要:由STM32和DW1000构成UWB(Ultra Wide Band)传感器,应用三UWB基站对UWB移动站实现定位,基于UWB测距值建立定位模型。使用基于ToF(Time of Flight)的单边双向测距算法及双边双向测距算法设计测距实验,得到室内测距误差10cm~30cm,使用基于最小二乘的线性拟合算法校正误差,校正后测距误差在10cm内。经比较,选择单边双向测距算法参与定位。分析了三边定位法、三角形质心定位法、最小二乘定位法、Fang定位法,选择后两种算法进行室内定位实验,并随机取定位样本点分析定位值分布。在普通客厅环境中,两种算法x,y方向的定位误差均在15cm内,最小二乘法定位值分布更均匀。

Indoor Positioning Application of UWB Sensor
LIU Jin-bao
Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
Abstract: The UWB sensor is composed of STM32 and DW1000, using the 3UWB base station to locate the 1UWB mobile station, and establish a positioning model based on the UWB ranging value. Using ToF (Time of Flight)-based unilateral two-way ranging algorithm and bilateral two-way ranging algorithm, design ranging experiment, get indoor ranging error of 10cm~30cm, use linear fitting algorithm based on least squares to correct the error, After calibration, the error of ranging is within 10cm. After comparison, the unilateral two-way ranging algorithm is selected to participate in positioning. Three-side positioning method, triangle centroid positioning method, least square positioning method, Fang positioning method are analyzed. The latter two algorithms are selected for indoor positioning experiment, and positioning sample points are randomly selected to analyze the positioning value distribution. In an ordinary living room environment, the positioning errors of the two algorithms in the x and y directions are both within 15cm, and the least squares positioning value distribution is more even.
Key words: unilateral two-way ranging; bilateral two-way ranging; least squares linear fitting; least squares positioning; Fang algorithm positioning


备注:2020年 第26卷 第11期

传感器世界 中国知网  自动化网 传感器英才网 中华自动化 北京国科舰航 控制工程网
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