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   栏目: 技术与应用

单位:北京信息科技大学北京市传感器重点实验室,北京 100101


Cat and Dog Recognition Automatic Feeder Based on Convolutional Neural Network
WANG Weimin, CHENG Jin, ZOU Xiaoping, PIAO Linhua
(Beijing Sensor Key Laboratory, Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing 100101, China)
Abstract: The paper studies a new pet automatic feeder called cat and dog recognition automatic feeder based on convolutional neural network, which is different from other products. Compared with other pet automatic feeder which has a single feeding object in the market, the feeder can feed multiple types of pets according to the image recognition results, such as cats and dogs. In addition, the device can be used in pet homes, pet stores, pet themed restaurants and other places with mixed breeding of cats and dogs. The technology used in the device mainly involves machine learning. Through training and building convolutional neural network, it can accurately identify cat and dog images, and feed corresponding cat or dog food according to the image recognition results. At the same time, the infrared sensor installed on the fuselage is used as the feeding switch, responsible for biological proximity detection to judge whether the feeding device needs to be feeding, so as to make the whole feeding process more reasonable and intelligent.
Key words: pet automatic feeder; mixed breeding of cats and dogs; machine learning; convolutional neural network; biological proximity detection


备注:2022年 第28卷 第02期

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